
Welcome to one of the biggest climbing wall in Rzeszow! We don’t have the English version of this web page, but here you can find the most important information.

How to find us?

You can check how to find us on the map. Map can be found here: google map. Climbing wall is situated in sports hall in the Poznańska 2A st. It's on Rzeszow Technical University Students Campus.

When to visit us?

Climbing wall is usually open from October to June. During Holidays wall is generally close. Exact days and hours are marked in the schedule below. When hours are marked in blue wall is publicly open. Hours marked in red are only for organized sport team members. Hours marked in green are booked for climbing courses. So please choose blue hours.

:: Tuesday

17:00 - 20:00 big wall open for everyone
17:00 - 20:00 big wall for AZS section members only

:: Tursday

17:00 - 20:00 big wall open for everyone
17:00 - 20:00 big wall for AZS section members only

:: Sunday

17:00 - 20:00 big wall open for everyone
17:00 - 20:00 big wall for AZS section members only

Before visiting the climbing wall we suggest that you ask if the wall is open. Occasionally the wall can be closed so we recommend asking via email. Address you can find on contact page.

I haven’t climb before

If you haven’t climb before we organize climbing courses for beginners. Climbing courses can be conducted in English. Courses cost can be found here: climbing courses

Another possibilities for climbing in Rzeszów

On this page you can find more infor about Rzeszow climbing.

Rzeszow Technical Univerity Climbing Wall Team

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